Introduction to Biblical Based Law of Attraction and Manifestation: Free PDF Printable Morning Mantras
An introduction to the Law of Attraction and Manifesting according to the Bible

As women and as moms, we take on so much on a daily basis--getting the kids ready for school, feeding the kids, making sure beds are made, lunches are made, backpacks have all of the required materials for school, making sure we have our clothes on and they match 😉, and so much more!
We start to lose ourselves in our kids and for some of us our work too. It is hard to juggle mom life and if you are a working mom, a mom/work life along with being just you. Taking just 10-15 minutes every morning to help you get in the right head-space is the best way to start off your day. (Click here for amazing morning mantras) Get into your Bible and get close with God and listen to His word.
There is a lot of information about the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. This information was made more popular by the book The Secret and then, the movie, "The Secret" came out. Most people who have heard of this book and movie thought this was truly a "secret". In reality, this is definitely not a secret and not only super successful women and men know this "secret". This "secret" is truly messages in the Bible. Yep, that is it! The Bible is the "secret" that started the Law of Attraction and manifestation.
There are many quotes from the Bible that prove that these thoughts and practices are not new, but something that we have learned from thousands of years ago.
I want to teach you all how to live your lives to the fullest through God's word by practicing the Law of Attraction and manifestation. This is all biblical based, but I also understand that this can be interpreted differently for everyone. We were all given a gift and a beautiful light! We should use our gifts to help others, which in turn, helps ourselves.
I cannot wait to go on this journey with you!
Be the light!