Asking and Receiving~ Matthew 21:22

Matthew 21:22 "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer".
In this verse, Jesus is talking to his disciples. Before this verse, Jesus was very hungry and found a fig tree without any figs on it. He tells the tree that it will never bear fruit again and it withers up. His disciples were amazed and wondered how he did it. Jesus tells them that if they have faith and they have no doubt, that they can do this too. He states that they could even throw the mountain in the sea.
Wow! This verse holds so much weight and it definitely can be part of the Law of Attraction. What do I mean by this? Well, in the Law of Attraction, one of the first things you learn is to ask and you will receive. Now, there is definitely more merit to this. You still need to put work into whatever you are asking for. It is not magic, where you ask for a million dollars sitting on the couch and poof, you have a million dollars.
To use this verse, you need to keep everything in context. I truly believe that God wants the best for us and I believe he wants us to ask bold asks. Now, that is not to say that you will always receive what you are asking for. This may sound like a contradiction to the verse above, but it is not and I will show you why.
We all have a soul purpose. Most of us may not even know what our soul purpose is. But, I believe once you start listening to the God within (the Holy Spirit), you will discover your soul purpose. I will go into detail on another post later 😊 So, if you ask and truly believe, it will happen to you. It will be in God's timing of course and sometimes God needs you to wait. He has a plan for you and his timing is the best so that you are fully prepared for your intended reward.
Though I always believe you should ask and talk to God no matter what, I also believe that if it is part of your purpose and your journey, you will receive it. Sometimes you may receive things that you thought you wanted and find out later that they are not aligned with your soul purpose.
Most things we ask for are for material things (which are not always a bad thing), but remember that our number one goal in this life is to "Love your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind"~Matthew 22:37. And the second goal is to "Love your neighbor as yourself"~Mark 12:31. So, if we are living our soul purpose, which is laid out in these two verses, then our asks are going to be answered.
Keep believing that God wants great things for you and that you will receive them. He loves you, he created you in his image (Genesis 1:27) and wants you to succeed and to continue to be a light!
Be the light 🌟